The Monitor Directory is Uganda’s number one online business directory providing global circulation and distribution of the most competitive products and service providers all over Uganda through directory information and advertising via Internet.
Our mission is to provide functional and cost effective directory information and advertising via Internet to businesses, Organizations & Institutions in Uganda and beyond.
Our business strategy ensures customer satisfaction and public Relations. We also emphasize flexibility to enable accommodate the dynamics of customer needs thus to handle both customized consumer designed Requirements and Comprehensive assignments ranging from advisory / consultancy work to large-scale professional work.
Capability statement
The Monitor Directory has been providing professional directory and advertising solutions online for the last 2 years and our services are customized to clients specific needs.
Every client has unique needs / requirements and our directory respects and works alongside their needs to satisfy the client.
None of our clients has been disappointed with our services and you will confirm this as soon as you sign up with this directory. It’s never our policy to only be service providers but to become a true partner with our clients.
Target Audience
The growth rate of computer users in Uganda and most specifically Internet users is at a very supersonic speed yet the rest of the world where the global market is almost competitive; computer and internet users are at almost 90% so far.
This diectory is intended to directly reach all internet users seeking information about / on Uganda to access the data in and outside Uganda. Benefits of electronic advertisement in this digital era cannot be over emphasized. The Monitor Directory enables your business to penetrate local and international markets.
This directory attracts an audience of middle to up market business, services, Research and entertainment – oriented adults that are educated and have access to computers (Internet) within Uganda and across the globe.
• Tourism is a rapidly growing industry in Uganda with an annual turn over of over 512,000 tourists per year. Consequently the corresponding growth in the use of Internet services for; online booking, Air ticketing, money transfer, research on entertainment, recreation centers, tourism sites, Banking, etc
Ugandans in Diaspora
• Ugandans living and working abroad remit the biggest percentage of Uganda foreign exchange. They constantly use the Internet to obtain all necessary data, ranging from politics, properties, real estates, and money transfer facilities, Banking, educational Institutions, Business, and Current Affairs, mention it. Uganda online directory is here for this.